This is the opening title of Paper Thin. Yesterday was the last day of filming and I got a look at some of the Director/Producer Elizabeth Duong‘s work. It’s exciting – this will be a touching but beautiful film. It’s based on a true story of a girl called Sadako who developed leukaemia after exposure to radiation in Hiroshima.

One of the hallmarks of leukaemia that’s caused by radiation or toxic chemicals is very rearranged chromosomes. I’m working on unravelling the patterns and causes of the very disorganised genetics of this type of leukaemia (known as therapy-related acute myeloid leukaemia).

Sadako hoped for a cure. My hope is that with the help of this film this research can continue and realise her dream for future leukaemia patients. A big thank-you to Elizabeth and all her helpers, who have given their time freely. A special mention also to Daniel Hernandez who composed the original soundtrack. It’s awesome. Here we have Essendon Symphony playing the opening theme and I think that’s Daniel playing over the stings.