I’m writing for two types of audience.

Firstly, I’m writing for people who’d like to know more about cancer, especially leukaemia. I hope this will be of use to cancer patients and their loved ones.

Secondly, I’m writing about science. This is for people who are interested in more scientific detail. I’ll be writing about my research, but not always. My background is in genetics, so the main topics will be genetics, cancer and leukaemia. But hey, there’s other interesting science out there, so you never know what else.

Leukaemia is a blood cancer. Cancers are caused by genetic errors – some of these might be inherited but they usually arise later, in the cells that become cancerous.

Sometimes I’ll be trying a format where the first section is pitched in general terms, followed by a more detailed section for those who want to know more about the science.

Your feedback is welcome.